The inspiration for this project is Ang Lee's movie "Brokeback Mountain".
Here are some scenes of the movie in case you haven't watched it.
So, I try to implement some of the "brokebackish" features: Tent, Campfire, Cowboys, Sheeps, Pine trees, and some Trunks.
Project 7
Models Created by Me
Campfire: I added randomness to generate the size of stones around the campfire, so it looks more natural and asymmetric. The design of middle woods is also used in the framework of the tent.
Tent: I added some poles around the tent to make it more like the one in the movie. I also added a special shader (High specular light) to the pole, for its metallic looking.
Pine trees: I am very proud that I designed a dynamic way to draw different pine trees. If you look the trees in detail, you will find each tree is special, in terms of the shape, layer and height.
Trunks: They are just basic cylinders.
Models Found on Web
Cowboy: Still need to figure out how to map the texture.
Sheep: I added a path and animation for the sheeps.
Project 8
Models Created by Me
Campfire: I kept the randomness of the size, and added a texture for the stone, to make them more stone-like. I decided not to add trunk texture to the wood in the campfire, because they are too small to show the detail of the texture.
Tent: I added a canvas cloth texture to the tent, I thought about making a entrance for the tent, but it was too hard to draw it on the texture image.
Pine trees: I could add trunk texture to the trees, but i decided not to, because they are too small to show the texture.
Trunks: I figured out a way to wrap texture to the side of a cylinder! To make the texture look real, I make the width height ratio of the image as 2*pi*ratio : height, then compress it to a 2^k * 2^k square. It looks great. Also I added randomness to generate the top circle texture, to make it look cool. I love randomness!
Models Found on Web
Cowboy: There is a texture image given with the .obj file, after studying that image. I created two texture images to match the hat color, clothing style of Jack and Ennis.
Sheep: I used the given texture with the sheeps.
Project 9
Cubemap Skybox
I added a cubemap skybox texture to create environment for the scene.
Normal Mapping
I added 4 different normal mapping to make the texture for the vent more realistic, and textures of sheeps more diverse.
Glass Effect
I also tried to simulate the fraction degree to make a glass texture effect. After computing the hitting point going though the glass bottle, I map it directly to the ground texture, although the "correct" way requires 2-pass rendering. Since the bottle is relatively small, you might want to use "Drive" mode to see the effect.
Project 10
In this final project, I wrapped up project 7 to 9, and did some minor fixes. I also implemented a hermite cubic curve with 4 segments. I loaded a new bat object and made if fly around the camp following the curve track.